The Last Drop is a sci-fi film about relationship abuse inspired by the memories of real survivors.
Most Hollywood movies imply that abuse doesn’t “count” unless it leaves a bruise— but the first signs of abuse are rarely violent. That’s why our team of survivors and abuse experts came together to create a new kind of film— one that illustrates the lesser known forms of abuse, like emotional abuse, isolation tactics, digital abuse, and more.
Watch our TRAILER below to learn more:
A young woman links minds with her boyfriend, using a device that lets couples relive shared memories— but when she spots overlooked signs of abuse, she must escape before he can manipulate her memories in his favor.
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Whether you want to host a virtual screening, an in-person event, or explore a larger partnership, we’re excited to bring this film to the people you care about. We’re developing discussion guides and hosting instructions to help jumpstart your screening. We offer you one-on-one support to make sure your event’s impactful!